We invited the candidates from each of the political parties to appear on Climate911 to discuss their party’s plans to tackle the climate emergency. We interviewed Michelle Corfield, Liberal Party candidate, on August 27th. Her interview aired on CHLY on August 31st.
Link to Michelle’s CHLY interview: https://InstantTeleseminar.com/Events/127683894
Link to Michelle Corfield’s website: https://michellecorfield.liberal.ca/
Link to Liberal Party’s climate plan: https://liberal.ca/our-plan/a-cleaner-greener-future/
Link to other parts of Liberal Party’s election platform: https://liberal.ca/our-plan/
Link to National Observer article comparing the climate plans of each party: https://www.nationalobserver.com/2021/08/18/explainer/election-2021-main-federal-parties-plan-fight-climate-crisis