Episode 23

Air date: June 8, 2015

Link to listen: https://InstantTeleseminar.com/Events/126858594

Title: Horticulture and Climate Change.

Guest: Jessica Gemella, Chair and Instructor, Vancouver Island University’s Horticultural Technician program.

Description: In this episode, we discuss VIU’s Horticultural Technician program, how horticulture and landscape architecture can help address climate change, VIU’s partnership with Tokyo’s Tamagawa University, invasive species, and how to adapt plants and crops to our changing climate.


Link to webpage for VIU’s Horticultural Technician program: https://tradesappliedtech.viu.ca/horticulture.

Learn more about Tamagamaw Gakuen of Canada Society: https://tamagawa.ca/