Title: Yes, You Can Cook! (Air date: May 11, 2021)
Guest: Heidi Sinclair, Executive Director, Nanaimo Community Kitchens Society
Description: Heidi tells us about the 30-year history of NCKS, their programs, how Covid has impacted their work, and what she loves to do in her spare time.
Link to listen: https://InstantTeleseminar.com/Events/126513480
Link to NCKS website: https://nanaimocommunitykitchens.org
Link to “Yes You Can Cook” Cookbook/Handbook: https://nanaimocommunitykitchens.org/handbook
Link to Canada Food Guide: https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/
Link to Seaweed Days (May 17-23, 2021): https://www.seaweeddays.com/
Link to “The Stop”, book by Nick Saul: https://www.bookdepository.com/Stop-Nick-Saul/9781612193496
Link to Community Food Centres Canada website: https://cfccanada.ca