Episode 13 – Island Roots Market Coop

Guest: Larry Whaley, President, Island Roots Market Co-op (IRMC).

Description: We speak with Larry about the history and mission of IRMC, the status of their quest for a year-round market building, and his vision for the future.

Link to listen: https://InstantTeleseminar.com/Events/126047091.


Link to IRMC website: https://www.islandrootsmarket.com

Link to IRMC online market: https://islandrootsonlinemarket.square.site/

Link to join IRMC: https://www.islandrootsmarket.com/support-island-roots/become-a-member/

The IRMC Annual General Meeting will be Saturday April 10th at 9:30 am Pacific. If you are a member, watch for an email about the AGM or contact Larry for more details at president [dot] islandroots [at] gmail [dot] com.